Role of indigenous Compound drugs in Grahni Roga(Irritable bowel syndrome)

Role of indigenous Compound drugs in Grahni Roga( Irritable bowel syndrome ) *Nirmal kumar, **Shweta, ***S.K.Tiwari ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Grahani Roga is one of chronic disorder that hampers daily to daily life. Etiological factors responsible for same are those that causes diminution of Agni along with vitiation of tridosha, all leading to Ama formation and leading food to be in Vishtambha form. Some important causes are frequent intake of Heavy diet, Adhyashan, Ajirnashan, improper Vaman and Virechan as well as some factors like psychological stress. Main feature of disease is frequent passage liquid sometimes solid but necessarily Vishtambh mala. In modern science features of Grahni roga is quiet comparable with IBS. IBS is as common as common cold. It has aptly been termed as "A dilemma within a dilemma surrounded by a dilemma". IBS is a chronic functional disorder of abnormal intestine without structural changes in gastroin...