CHITRAK (Plumbago zeylanica)

1. INTRODUCTION:- Citraka enjoys an important place among medicinal herbs in India since ancient times. The name citraka denotes one which renders discoloration to the skin, when applied topically. In Sanskrit it has various synonyms describing its virtues, namely agni – fire, jvala – flame, aruna – the great sage Caraka has categorized it as lekhaniya – a reducing herb, bhedaniya – an accumulation breaking herb, dipaniya – an appetizer, trptighna – antisaturative, agnimandya nasaka – combats anorexia, arsoghna – antihaemorrhoidal and as sulaghna relieves colicky pains. . Susruta, has cited it as a stanya sodhaka – lactodepurant and as sukra sodhaka – sperm purifier herb. The Ayurvedic texts, later, have described the other properties of citraka as anahaghna - deflatulent, gulmaghna – mitigates tumours, ajirna nasaka – that alleviates dyspepsia etc. Citraka plant grows throughout India, especially in Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, South India and Sri Lanka, in moist places. It is also cultiva...