
ASHWAGANDHA (Withania somnifera)

1. INTRODUCTION :- Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, Winter cherry, Ajagandha, Kanaje Hindi and Samm Al Ferakh, is a plant in Solanaceae or nightshade family. In Ayurveda ashwaganda is considered a rasayana herb, which works on a nonspecific basis to increase health and longevity. This herb is also considered an adaptogen which is a nontoxic herb that works on a nonspecific basis to normalize physiological function, working on the HPA axis and the neuroendocrine system. The roots and berries of the plant are used in herbal medicine . In Ayurveda, the fresh roots are sometimes boiled in milk , prior to drying, in order to leach out undesirable constituents. The berries are used as a substitute for rennet , to coagulate milk in cheese making. Ashwagandha in Sanskrit means "Horse's smell", probably originating from the odor of its root which resembles that of sweaty horse . The species name somnifera means "sleep-making" in...

Pine apple Juice & its Benifits

Pineapple Smoothie Yields 4 cups: Ingredients ½ pineapple, peeled, cored, and cut into chunks ½ cup cashews, soaked 1 cup coconut water 1 cup pineapple juice 1 lime, juiced ¼ cup coconut meat 2 tablespoons coconut cream 2 dates, pitted (optional for sweetness) Garnish 1 lime, cut into wedges Directions Add pineapple chunks, cashews, coconut water, pineapple juice, lime juice, coconut meat, and coconut cream into a high-speed blender and process until smooth.  Add dates, for optional added sweetness. Pour into glass and serve with lime garnish.

Fundamental Concept of Digestion in Ayurveda

Fundamental Concept of Digestion in Ayurveda Digestion is very important metabolic process. In ayurveda digestion process is described in simple and clear manner. According to ayurvedic text digestion depends upon agni. AGNI Agni is form of heat energy in the body; it serves to convert food into various body constituents. It is similar in its function to pitta, its functions as a catalytic agent in digestion and metabolism. In every tissue and cell agni is present and is necessary for maintaining the nutrition of the tissues. As long as agni is functioning properly, the processes of breaking down food and its absorption will be smooth. When agni becomes impaired because of an imbalance in tridoshas, the metabolism is affected. Food components which remain undigested and unabsorbed get collected in the intestine. A foul smelling, sticky substance is formed by this material, which is called ama. It clogs the intestines and other channels such as capillaries and blood v...

Fundamental Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology inAyurveda

Fundamental Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology in Ayurveda SHARIRA RACHANA (OVERVIEW OF HUMAN BODY) Ayurvedic views of Sharira Rachana can be understood by study of important concepts like: • Abhinirvrutti Sharira - It covers the about development of human body from five fundamental elements of life known as Pacha mahabhutas like elements of universe • Garbhavkranti Sharira - It covers the developmental anatomy or embryology. • Angapratyanga Sharira - It covers the study of structures of Shadanga (Six parts of body) like It includes Asthi ( osteology ), Sandhi Sharira ( arthrology ), Sira-Dhamani-Srotas-Sharira ( angiology ), Koshthang Sharira ( splanchnology ), Kala Sharira (anatomy of the different serous membranes), Twak Sharira (anatomy of skin and integument). • Marma Sharira - Explains about vital parts in body and their importance. Praman Sharira - Measurements of different parts of the body. SHADANGA SHARIRA ‘Shad’ means six and “ Ang...