Fundamental Concept of Digestion in Ayurveda
Fundamental Concept of Digestion
in Ayurveda
Digestion is very important metabolic process. In ayurveda digestion process is described in simple and clear manner. According to ayurvedic text digestion depends upon agni.
Agni is form of heat energy in the body; it serves to convert food into various body constituents. It is similar in its function to pitta, its functions as a catalytic agent in digestion and metabolism.
In every tissue and cell agni is present and is necessary for maintaining the nutrition of the tissues. As long as agni is functioning properly, the processes of breaking down food and its absorption will be smooth.
When agni becomes impaired because of an imbalance in tridoshas, the metabolism is affected. Food components which remain undigested and unabsorbed get collected in the intestine. A foul smelling, sticky substance is formed by this material, which is called ama. It clogs the intestines and other channels such as capillaries and blood vessels. Ama is the root of all disease.
If agni is sama (balanced) it helps to maintain the healthy status of an individual. Longevity depends upon samagni.
Process of Digestion and Role of Agni
Ahara Rasa
Pancha Mahabhuta
Updhatu and
Dhatu Mala- Jatharagni
It helps in primary digestion, which takes place at gastro-intestinal level. This is also called as Sthula-pachana. It converts food into Ahara-rasa (nutritious liquid) and Kitta (Excretory portion).
- Panchabhautika Agni
It helps in digestion of pancha bhautika ahar rasa. These five agni are responsible for conversion of pancha bhautika ahar rasa into mahabhuta (according to panchabhautika agni) like jala agni convert pancha bhautika ahar rasa into jala maha bhuta
- Dhatu Agni
Ahararasa circulates through the srotasas of all seven dhatus. Dhtu agni situated in each of these srotasa accepts self nutritional part and converts it into dhatu. Thus, after formation of ahara rasa by jatharagni all tissues (dhatu) in the body are formed. This digestion is known as secondary digestion. This is called as Sukshma Pachana
Stages of Digestion according to Ayurvedic Concepts
In digestion every type of food material has three phases for digestion.
- Madhura Awasthapaka (Sweet Phase)
- Amla Awasthapaka (Sour Phase)
One and half hours after taking ahara the stage of acidification takes place due to action of pachak-pitta in the lower part of the stomach and in the small intestine (antra). This causes a sensation of thirst due to heat formation by pitta.
- Katu Awasthapaka (Pungent Phase)
It takes place in the large intestine after four hours of taking the food. This is the site of vata dosha all actions are due to dominance of vata. After absorption of nutritious portion, waste part of the food is excreted as urine, flatus and faecal matter.